The Real Scoop on Growth: It’s Not Magic!

The Real Scoop on Growth: It’s Not Magic!

Let’s get real about something that’s been buzzing around lately. People are going bananas over how Nvidia’s sales shot up from $27 billion in 2022 to a jaw-dropping $60 billion in 2023, with profits skyrocketing from $4 billion to $30 billion. That’s over a 500% increase. Naturally, everyone’s on the hunt for the next Nvidia.

But here’s the kicker: research by Anthony Pisano and others tells us that only about 25% of public companies actually see significant growth. Hitting a 10% growth rate is considered top-notch, and even that doesn’t last forever. As it turns out, about 75% of companies barely budge in terms of yearly growth.

Realistic Expectations and Strategy

The Real Scoop on Growth: It's Not Magic!

The above results suggest several strategies that should be considered:

Consider that real potential for growth frequently gets overestimated.

Companies tend to forget that products have life cycles—sales can start strong, take a dip, and then drop after a peak (Peloton is a great example). Plus, we tend to miscalculate the math. Growing 20% yearly for five years sounds great until you realize maintaining that momentum is a Herculean task.

Companies can also overestimate growth potential of diversifying or adding products.

When it comes to diversifying or adding new products, more isn’t always better. Just throwing in more colors, models, or features often doesn’t do much. Diversification needs the same magic touch as your core offerings and can also see diminishing returns. Remember the 80/20 rule? It’s real—80% of your sales come from 20% of what you offer. And “stick to your knitting” isn’t just a quaint saying; it’s solid advice that often holds true.

Companies need to consider other growth alternatives to increase effectiveness.

Should companies pay more dividends and do buybacks rather than invest in growth strategies? Should efficiency and effectiveness be considered more than growth in strategic planning?  

Pricing Strategies in the Mix

Hockey stick forecast - where the magic happens

Pricing Opportunities Continue to Grow.

Increased tipping pressures are starting to reach backlash. Many grocery chains are adding prepared foods to capture some of the eat-in market and to offer an alternative to the high prices of dining out.

Amazon continues to loom large, not just with prices but with selection, service, and speedy delivery. For example, one day shipping can be a game changer compared to visiting a store with low inventory, poor service, and inadequate staff. This puts traditional retailers in a tough spot, especially when they’re cutting back on offerings and service to boost margins, making Amazon even more appealing.

“Free” is not a dirty word. The concept of “Freemium” is more than a business model. It’s also a pricing strategy. Offering something for free and then charging for upgrades is a proven model (think Google and Facebook). Ancillary aspects of the Freemium strategy include samples, blogs, demonstrations, contributions to charities, etc. — these can all create new opportunities.

The Power of Logistics and the Internet

Logistics, sourcing and distribution efficiencies can drastically increase sales and profitability.

Efficient logistics, sourcing, and distribution can significantly cut costs and boost sales. Fast shipping and direct delivery methods can also make a big difference in pricing and profit.

Embrace the Internet.

The internet is a game-changer. Google, Facebook, and Amazon are essential players, whether as suppliers, customers, or information sources. Using the cloud, analytics, email marketing, and online ads can significantly enhance sales and leads.

Culture and Intangibles

In observing organizations, I consistently find culture, expectations and excellence greatly affect success more than we acknowledge.

Person presenting growth chart at meeting, saying "And, assuming this rate of growth continues, we'll own not only the domestic ball bearing market, but the entire world in just 50 years."

While skills, finances, competition, and operations are all crucial, it’s often the intangibles that set you apart. For example, embracing risk, fostering passion, and cultivating a collaborative environment can greatly enhance effectiveness.

In summary, chasing growth for growth’s sake can be a wild goose chase. Instead, focusing on sharp execution, exploring alternatives, and prioritizing efficiency and profits might just be the smarter move.

I’d love to hear your examples of how growth can be achieved through a variety of strategies. You can find me at  or 914-632-6977

Dr. Bert Shlensky, President of, offers experience, skills, and a team devoted to developing and executing winning strategies for your new or established business. Our strategies help you increase your bottom line, and includes clear steps, with access to over 150 free articles and templates, to help facilitate your efforts and guide your process to profitability today. We are here to help you get on track and stay there as you move forward with your business.

It’s easy to get started! Just email  or call 914-632-6977.

And be sure to check out our quick video on Passion & Reality here.

How to Not be Part of the 90% of Entrepreneurs Who Fail Within 5 Years

How to Not be Part of the 90% of Entrepreneurs Who Fail Within 5 Years

I recently spoke with two aspiring entrepreneurs about launching new businesses. Unfortunately, their chances of success seemed slim because they were more focused on their dreams of wealth than on the essential groundwork needed to thrive. They were simply unwilling to do the thinking, research and planning to be successful. Try not to be part of the 90% of entrepreneurs who fail within 5 years.

how not to be part of the 90 percent of entrepreneurs who fail within 5 years

For example, the first requirement is to simply write things down. Let’s break down what’s crucial: first, you need to document your plans. This doesn’t have to be fancy; goals and strategies. Start with a flexible document that evolves as you progress, focusing on substance over style. If you can’t articulate your plans in writing, you probably haven’t thought them through.

The initial requirement to develop a successful business is to be able to describe it. What is your business concept? What do want to do, why are you different and why will you succeed? This will change as the concept evolves, but you need a framework to develop and evaluate the components of your business. This framework further guides your development and evaluation process as your idea evolves. Entrepreneurs who fail frequently don’t do this.

Consider the key components of the business. Pricing, quality, service, variety, distribution and marketing are just some of the considerations. Your approach will vary greatly depending on whether you’re selling high-ticket items or everyday goods. For example, selling Superbowl tickets for thousands of dollars is quite different from the cheap umbrella salesman who suddenly appears when it rains.

Communicate your unique value proposition to your target audience. This is one of the most difficult tasks of launching a new business. We all get excited about our differences, but does anyone understand them? Do enough customers care about your difference to change their behavior, or are they committed to a “we’ve always done it this way” mentality?

4 keys to a successful startup

Develop, test, measure, and adapt. Business is dynamic, so your approach must be too. Many plans, forecasts, and proposals are done in a static format, with one-dimensional analysis and results. Often, they are flawed because we live in a more dynamic and interactive world. 

For example, branding, marketing, pricing, and operations all must be viewed as an integrated program rather than separate and isolated activities. Similarly, businesses need to have alternatives at the ready, and processes in place to adapt. Mistakes will occur. Remember, Thomas Edison tested thousands of light bulbs before succeeding.

Will you make money? Many entrepreneurs who fail start with the wrong question: How do I raise money? But they haven’t worked out the details of why they need money, what they will do with it, and how they will pay it back.

I suggest an almost opposite approach. Develop your needs, resources, plans and cash flow and then execute programs to raise capital. Some tips to improve this:

  • Develop initial timed estimates that will be continually revised.
  • How much revenue, expenses and profit will you generate over certain periods?
  • What assets do you and associates have and how much can you afford to risk?

When it comes to financing, focus on understanding your needs, resources, and cash flow before seeking capital.

There are a number of tools to reduce investment needs. These include borrowing against cash flow, outsourcing, pledging personal assets, and developing investments as the business progresses. Outsourcing efforts like manufacturing, distribution, services, and rent are particularly recommended to reduce requirements and adjust as the business grows. 

As a rule, most businesses take six months to a year to even start. Consider how long it will take to get off the ground and calculate your startup expenses accordingly. Have you detailed the startup expenses and investment costs to start the business? Those include overall expenses, equipment, salaries, website development, product development, administration, pre-payments (like rent deposits) and more. Remember that upfront marketing, promotions, public relations, and development costs can affect income and cash on hand.

Digital is a critical aspect of almost any entrepreneurial pursuit today. Digital tools are essential in today’s business landscape, so plan to invest in a website and other tech necessities. Digital marketing, like Google ads, frequently has the advantage of both testing and pay as you go. As a result, revenue can occur much earlier than with traditional marketing efforts.  

Can you deliver what you sell? Operations and logistics are frequently viewed as secondary functions that can be outsourced. However, efficient management of inventory and staffing can make or break a business.

Balancing and managing inventory to serve demand and reduce closeouts can be critical to success. Even in service businesses, scheduling staff to meet demand and avoiding time and money wasted can be critical to success. Reducing lead times, improving flexibility, and planning can improve effectiveness and lower costs.

Cartoon - Agenda:  1. First things first 2.  Secondly  3.  Don't forget  4.  Last but not least

Many operations experts have shown that 80% of sales are derived from 20% of offered products or services. Simplicity is key. Entrepreneurs waste time, money, and frequently add confusion by adding too much complexity to their business models. When and if possible, always go to the KIS Method (Keep it Simple).

In summary, success in entrepreneurship requires careful planning, evaluation, and execution. Many failures could have been avoided with better preparation. As my former manager once said, our low success rate wasn’t due to lack of effort; it was because many entrepreneurs were better off keeping their day jobs.

Starting a business is not easy. An entrepreneur needs to understand and express his/her passion. To do so, means to develop a mission statement and a plan. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Starting a business also requires enthusiasm, energy, and persistence to market your business concepts to suppliers, customers, and investors.

For more information download a free copy of my book, Passion & Reality for Business Success.

 Dr. Bert Shlensky, president of Startup Connection, prides himself on his ability to define what is unique about each and every business. He works closely with individuals to develop a personalized approach that targets specific areas of concern and offers solutions based on his 40+ years of experience. His expert team will address your particular needs while working to save you time and money.

You can reach Dr. Shlensky at: 914-632-6977 Or email:

Optimizing Strategies:  The Crucial Role of Parameters in Decision-Making and Action-Taking

Optimizing Strategies: The Crucial Role of Parameters in Decision-Making and Action-Taking

At StartupConnection, we’re all about delivering blogs that are not just informative but also packed with actionable insights. We understand that information overload is real. So, we’re testing a new approach – a blog solely dedicated to parameters, giving you the space to prioritize what truly matters. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so feel free to drop us some feedback! In this post, we will be discussing optimizing strategies regarding making decisions and taking action.

Optimizing Strategies:  The Crucial Role of Parameters in Decision-Making and Action-Taking

Developing Programs with Precision

Sometimes, we’re so engrossed in creating programs that we forget about the parameters needed for optimizing strategies. Let’s simplify it. Here are some straightforward tips to consider parameters effectively:

Crafting Your Money-Making Plan

The “Pro Forma Income Statement”

This may sound a bit grand, but it’s your roadmap to cash flow.

Consider how a big marketing budget can affect your income. It may seem counter-intuitive but spending more on marketing might just boost those unit sales.

Investor-Worthy Plans

Investors crave plans but hate wild guesses. Be the entrepreneur who delivers realistic projections using templates. Specific numbers matter, even if they’re just a start. Remember that sales volume goals and pricing strategies are the building blocks of any plan.

Holistic Planning

Comprehensive Considerations

Levels of marketing, overhead, and administrative costs – they all play a role. Analytical, social, and intuitive considerations should also blend seamlessly into your plan.

Adaptability is Key

The world changes fast, and so should your strategy. Regularly review parameters like population, economy, and social values. Stay updated as the latest variables might just be the game-changer.

Navigating Cause and Effect

Decoding Relationships

Cause and effect can be spurious. Relationships involve a mix of factors. Analytics is critical, but don’t ignore intuition, risk, and low probabilities. Just like Gates, Bezos, and Jobs – master the art of thinking outside the box. It is the outliers and risktakers who create much of the innovation, excitement and change in our society.

Cartoon with boss wearing protective gear asking employee "Seriously, what is your tolerance for risk?"

Managing Bias and Embracing Risk

Navigating the Bias Maze

Bias, especially in small businesses, is human. Be mindful; assumptions, analysis, and data can sway your decisions. Consider different age groups without falling into bias traps.

Risk and Outcomes

Predicting results with historical data is straightforward. However, for new programs or inconsistent data, it’s about educated estimates. Embrace risk as it’s where innovation thrives.

Commit to Action

Nike’s Wisdom: JUST DO IT!

Nike logo - Just Do It

Not making a decision is a decision in itself. Recognize the importance of parameters in your decision processes.

Balancing the 80-20 Rule

Strategic Account Maximization

The 80-20 rule suggests maximizing old accounts with increased potential before reaching out to new accounts. Balance critique with support, collaboration, and teamwork.

The Expertise Quotient

Seeking and using expertise might be the missing link in your strategy. Collaboration enhances effectiveness, so let’s focus on teamwork as well as obtaining expert support.

In summary, understanding and incorporating parameters into your decision-making process is the secret sauce for success. So, let’s navigate these parameters together and remember that optimizing strategies will help to pave the way for effective and strategic decision-making.

Contact us for a FREE evaluation and get an alternative perspective on your business. We’d love to help you identify ways to adapt to current trends. No one has time for BS—so we’ll cut straight to the point and answer any questions you have. Reach us at:

914-632-6977 or

Dr. Bert Shlensky, President of, has an MBA and PhD from the Sloan School of Management at M.I.T. He served as the President of WestPoint Pepperell’s apparel fabrics business & President and CEO of Sure Fit Products. More than 2,000 clients have benefitted from his business acumen over the course of his long career. He now focuses on working with select startups and small businesses. Please visit our website: for more information.

Uncover Opportunities, Evaluate Alternatives, and Take Charge of Your Future

Uncover Opportunities, Evaluate Alternatives, and Take Charge of Your Future

To effectively gauge opportunities and tackle challenges, take charge – a handy tool is reviewing your past results, current challenges, and potential opportunities down the road. While a bit of analysis and number-crunching can be beneficial, my advice is to keep things informal and swift. The key here is to concentrate on spotting opportunities and embracing change, steering clear of getting bogged down in the intricacies of the review process. Let’s shift the focus to identifying and assessing alternatives instead of merely singing your own praises.

Building on Success

The best opportunities are frequently found by building on success rather than repeating disappointments. Take health, for instance. There’s a world of opportunities to boost your well-being beyond the obvious options of exercise, a balanced diet and annual checkups. In the ever-evolving health scene, there’s a constant flow of new medications to prevent problems that we can take charge of if we stay informed. 

Financial Snapshot

Now, let’s ask ourselves the big questions: How are you doing right now, and what do you want to achieve? Get a snapshot of your financial landscape, factoring in your growth, age, wealth, and goals. If retirement is here or peeking around the corner, consider your goals, wealth, income, and maybe leaving a little something for the next generation. Here’s my two cents: take a bit of risk, understand your investments, as well as your financial advisor’s recommendations.

Daredevil, take charge man behind a desk wearing protective gear telling the person he is speaking with "Seriously, what is your tolerance for risk?"

Reality Check

After gathering your data, give your findings a reality check by going over them with someone – a professional, an expert, or a colleague. Trust is key here, so the person you consult with needs to be knowledgeable enough that you can trust their feedback.

Mapping Your Journey

Now let’s talk about career and life. What’s on the horizon for next year? Can you hit your job goals, or is it time to re-evaluate them? Do you need to tweak your work-life balance, maybe dive into some new activities or maybe let go of ones you simply don’t enjoy anymore? This is the time to take charge mapping out your personal GPS for the next leg of your journey.

Cartoon in office, with someone pointing to a chart saying "Which 'win' is ours?  Because the one on the left looks bigger."  Learn how to take charge of improving your future.

Communication and Cooperation

When it comes to communication, how do we go about cooperating to create a win-win situation? It is well proven that tactics like collaboration, trust, and listening work better in decision making than dictating, lecturing, and proclaiming false expertise. There’s extensive research supporting the idea that people resist change unless they can see what’s in it for them. When given the opportunity to argue your case, try to emphasize the benefits for the other party. If you can make them, see the positives they’ll reap in the compromise, you’re much more likely to convert them.

Risk and Creativity

Let’s talk risk. Consider when it would be beneficial to break free from the predictable and try something more creative. Making decisions and taking risks are a dance between probability and information. Predicting outcomes with solid data is one thing, but it’s a different ball game when it comes to new ideas. Help take charge of your future. And remember that sharing information often maximizes benefits for everyone.

Fresh Ideas and Strategies for Growth

Below you’ll find links to some recent blogs to help take charge of improvement in all areas. Hopefully, reviewing some of the suggestions from this list inspires you to incorporate some fresh ideas and explore various strategies. We also recommend using the content to develop and test new alternatives and solutions. In your efforts, don’t be afraid of some failures along the way—it’s the best way to learn and grow.

Year-End Reflection

And remember, as the year comes to a close and stress levels tend to increase, be kind to yourself and others, find ways to relax, enjoy time with family, but also make time for yourself. Take deep breaths, cut yourself some slack, and know that your best is enough. Prioritizing can dramatically improve results. Focus on what you are good at and don’t sweat the small stuff. Think about it this way – most sports analytics are based on getting players to focus on the efforts with the greatest probability of success.

In a nutshell, taking stock of your current status can add to the excitement and potential of your efforts. Aim for accomplishment and satisfaction. Prioritize tasks and set realistic goals. Remember that accepting risk and managing change allows you to maximize your efficiency and accomplish more. Don’t shy away from those out-of-the-box opportunities either. And who knows, your next move might be a game-changer in making next year your year.

Dr. Bert Shlensky, president of Startup Connection, prides himself on his ability to define what is unique about each and every business. He works closely with individuals to develop a personalized approach that targets specific areas of concern and offers solutions based on his 40+ years of experience. His expert team will address your particular needs while working to save you time and money.

You can reach Dr. Shlensky at: 914-632-6977 Or email:

Volatility is a Critical Part of Change

Volatility is a Critical Part of Change

We all recognize the importance of change, but also need to consider volatility in affecting change.

Take the stock market, for example – it’s like a rollercoaster influenced by economic twists, social vibes, and market moods. Recently, in 2023, the S&P 500 went up 17% from January to July, then down 11% from July to October, only to bounce back up by 11% from October to November. Minimally, you should evaluate investing for short-term change or simply investing for the longer term.

Rapid Evolution in Our World

Our world is evolving fast. Technology, our tastes, and what’s considered normal are flipping markets on their heads. Leisure, travel, and entertainment are booming unexpectedly. Even the diet industry is getting a facelift thanks to new drugs helping people shed pounds. It’s a game-changer.    

Social, political, and economic events are regularly disrupting our environment. From weather havoc to terrorism, it seems like endless crises. 

Managing Unpredictability

How do we handle all this unpredictability? First, we’ve got to understand volatility and figure out how to manage it. When bridges suddenly collapsed in Philadelphia and Los Angeles, they were fixed in record time – thanks to clear goals, teamwork, and innovative solutions. We need the same approach for everything, from health issues as we age to dealing with climate events and political shake-ups.

Take our health, for instance. As the years pile on, it’s a good idea to play offense. Waiting for a health crisis to hit is like playing catch-up. Hitting the gym, eating a bit healthier, and throwing in regular checkups are like the MVPs in the game of avoiding health rollercoasters. Same goes for other bumpy rides, like dealing with the economy, wild weather, or political shake-ups.

Cartoon of someone making a presentation to a boardroom meeting, with a chart showing downward trends.  He says "Well, no wonder!  Instead of Robert's Rules of Order, we've been following Murphy's Law!"  Volatility can be bad, but doesn't have to be.

Look at how we’ve been stepping up our game in handling weather drama like fires and hurricanes. It’s all about staying on top of things, being ready, and finding solutions. That’s the playbook we can follow for other curveballs that life throws our way.

Emphasizing Communication and Cooperation

Communication, coordination, and cooperation should be our priorities. Fire departments focus on safety and prevention rather than just enforcing laws. Why can’t we do the same for issues like crime, making things better between police and communities?  

Rethinking Progress and Success While Being Aware of Bias and Risk

It’s time to rethink progress and success. We’ve made huge strides in areas like reducing smoking and drunk driving. Reviewing plans is important, but we need to do it together and be open to expert advice for better problem-solving.

Don’t forget about bias and risk: Bias is, perhaps, the biggest culprit in unreliable results. “It won’t happen to me” may be the greatest cause of unexpected volatility.  Here’s the thing. We love to be right. We hate to be wrong. So, we will go to extraordinary lengths to make sure that we’re proven correct. And we won’t even know we’re doing it. Our brain, working surreptitiously in the background, doesn’t alert us too how biased we actually are.

Creating a Supportive Environment and Setting Specific Goals

Creating a supportive environment, both physically and socially, can help us deal with crises better. This includes a safe, productive and supportive physical space, along with social and businesses practices that are fair, consistent and understood can significantly add to the capability to deal with crises.

Getting specific with goals and solutions is key. We all get the importance of goals, but sometimes we spend too much time pointing fingers instead of finding solutions. Take a cue from success stories like fire safety and emergency highway repairs.

It’s all about staying open and analytical. Businesses need to understand their environment, learn from both wins and losses, and be open to new ideas. In other words, don’t be like Jack Nicholson saying, “You can’t handle the truth.”

"You can't handle the truth!"

Embracing Change for Better Solutions

In a nutshell, recognizing that change and ups and downs happen is the first step to tackling problems. We need tools to understand and predict change – just like we do with things like COVID and flu shots. Being prepared and understanding volatility will lead us to better solutions and alternatives.

Dr. Bert Shlensky, President of, offers experience, skills, and a team devoted to developing and executing winning strategies. We guide your plans for business success and unlock your profits. Our strategy includes clear steps, and over 150 free articles and templates to facilitate your efforts and guide your process. We’re here to help you get on track and stay there as you move forward.

We welcome comments, suggestions, and questions. You can write us at: or call at 914-632-6977.