How to Capitalize on Outlier Opportunities

How to Capitalize on Outlier Opportunities

In a world that often feels like it’s on repeat, the allure of outliers—the unexpected, the overlooked, the underappreciated—beckons with the promise of untold rewards and opportunities. We tend to underestimate those who dare to look beyond the horizon of the familiar and the safe. Yet, amidst the constant hum of change, volatility, and disruption shaping our modern landscape, many of us find ourselves clinging to the comfort of the predictable. This, however, is precisely where we might be missing out on monumental growth opportunities.

Trailblazers of the Uncharted Path

Consider the luminaries who’ve left indelible marks on the canvas of history: Steve Jobs, who was ousted from his own company only to return and redefine the technology landscape; Thomas Edison, whose relentless experimentation illuminated the world; Stephen Spielberg, whose initial college rejections did not deter him from becoming a cinematic titan; Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg, whose college dropout status did not prevent them from building empires. Their journeys underscore a pivotal insight: greatness often emerges from the outliers, from the willingness to embrace risk, to venture where intuition leads, even when it diverges from the well-trodden path. Seek outlier opportunities.

Capitalizing on the Edges of Expectation

embrace the outlier edge

The realm of outliers is not just about the people; it’s also about seizing on phenomena, trends, and opportunities that lie at the edges of our expectations. Like umbrella vendors who materialize at the first hint of rain, those who prepare to capitalize on these outlying events are the ones who often reap outsized rewards. Major corporations like Home Depot, The Red Cross, and Walmart exemplify this approach, developing contingency plans for unforeseen weather events, thereby not just mitigating risks but also turning potential crises into opportunities.

Harnessing Demographic Transitions 

The most evident way to pursue outliers is to capitalize on emerging trends. One such fertile ground for outlier opportunities is the aging population. As we stand on the cusp of a demographic shift, with a significant portion of the global population moving into retirement, the potential for innovation in services designed to enrich the lives of the elderly is vast. From enhancing mental and social engagement to addressing the specific healthcare needs of this demographic, the aging population presents a panorama of possibilities waiting to be explored and cultivated.

Innovating the Financial Norms

Head in the sand?  Look for better opportunities

The financial landscape is also ripe for outlier strategies. Traditional investment advice, like the 60-40 stocks-to-bonds ratio, is being challenged by the stark variances in returns, particularly highlighted by the tech sector’s explosive growth. These divergences signal a need for more nuanced, dynamic investment approaches that can adapt to the ever-evolving market trends.

Mastering Disaster with Cooperation

We need to recognize that volatility and change should be viewed as landscapes brimming with potential. Companies that have learned to navigate and even thrive in the face of disasters—be it Home Depot with hurricanes or schools enhancing safety protocols—demonstrate that with preparation and adaptability, challenges can be transformed into lucrative ventures. One major improvement is the cooperation rather than friction among agencies in dealing with disasters. For instance, Governor Hochul of New York even promotes that New York is the “Master of Disaster”.

Anomalies and Untapped Potential

Outlier opportunities also occur from anomalies that just occur. Consider the legal industry transformation led by firms like Skadden Arps and Wachtel Lipton, which, in the face of discrimination, carved out new niches in litigation and corporate takeovers, reshaping the legal landscape. Similarly, dealing with poor facilities, limited coaching and recruiting, and weak marketing all kept women’s sports in the background. Powered by exceptional talents like Caitlin Clark, women’s sports growing recognition points to the vast potential in markets and domains that have been historically undervalued or ignored.

Shifting Academic and Economic Landscapes

Other anomalies providing huge opportunities are the switches in college education from a focus on liberal arts to more employment-related majors. In particular, computer programming, design, engineering, and computer science are rapidly expanding while language, philosophy, and other traditional liberal arts majors are declining. In addition, schools like the U. of Illinois, Northeastern, Johns Hopkins, and Carnegie Melon are expanding, becoming more select and graduates are earning higher earnings.

Immigration as Economic Catalyst

While immigration has become a major political issue, it is more importantly a critical economic opportunity, and it presents yet another dimension where the narrative of challenge versus opportunity plays out. With economies grappling with labor shortages, the infusion of new talent and skills through immigration can act as a catalyst for growth, if navigated with foresight and strategic planning.

Rising from Challenge to Opportunity

profit, success, innovation, opportunities

Outlying opportunities also emerge from special events. The biggest barrier is that we become obsessed with the challenges and consequences rather than the opportunities. For example, we are still failing to manage the consequences of the pandemic. The nature of work and where it occurs have changed and we seem to adapt rather than manage. Working at home versus the office seems to be a political issue more than analyzing the economic, decision-making and social consequences.

Adapting Education in Post-Pandemic Times

Education seems to be making the least adjustment. While it is clear young children lost significant learning during the pandemic there seems little priority to restore the losses or ensure newer students get excellent opportunities.

Political and Economic Shifts as Opportunities

Political, social and economic events can create significant opportunities and challenges. Declining birth rates, geographic changes and climate control are also occurring and require better planning and management.

Health Innovations and Lifestyle Changes

With 39% of Americans considered obese and an additional 31% overweight, new weight loss drugs have the potential of having a major impact on diet and improving other health results like heart attacks and length of life. Weight loss programs, diet, exercise, and other programs have had limited results helping people lose weight and keeping it off. However, the new weight loss drugs have shown tremendous results in helping people lose weight and keep it off. They have even greater potential if issues like price, some side effects, and proving long term potential can be resolved.

Embracing Risks and Rewards in the Outlier Odyssey

Yet, the pursuit of outliers is not without its risks. The terrain is often uncharted, the outcomes uncertain. The key to navigating this uncertainty lies in a balanced approach—testing waters with modest commitments, being vigilant and adaptable, and never losing sight of the inherent passion and creativity that drive innovation. Exceptional customer service, the willingness to collaborate, and an open-minded approach to problem-solving emerge as critical enablers in this journey.

The Future Beckons: Will We Take the Leap?

So, where does this leave us? On the precipice of opportunity, with a choice to make. Will we tread the familiar paths, or will we venture into the realm of outliers, armed with the insights, strategies, and courage to explore the unexplored? The outliers beckon with the promise of growth, innovation, and transformation, challenging us to rethink our perspectives, to be agile, and to always be on the lookout for the next unexpected opportunity.

As we navigate this odyssey, let’s remember that outliers are not just about taking risks; they’re about understanding and managing those risks with intelligence, creativity, and a deep-seated belief in the potential that lies beyond the conventional. It’s a journey that demands resilience, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of the extraordinary. And in this quest, the rewards—both personal and professional—can be as boundless as the outliers themselves.

In embracing the outlier odyssey, we might just find that what once seemed like distant possibilities are, in fact, within our reach, waiting to be seized and transformed into the next chapter of our success stories. The question is, are we ready to take that leap?

Let’s start a conversation – no matter what stage you are in with your business.  As an exercise, tell us how you have better managed challenges. Then, tell us what areas you to need focus on in order to see improvement.

Call me at: 914-632-6977 or email me at:

Dr. Bert Shlensky of earned a PhD from the Sloan School of Management at M.I.T., mentored a few thousand clients at Score and his own practice, grew Sure Fit products from $50 million dollars to $150 million in sales including $60 million of direct internet sales, was President of WestPoint Pepperell’s Apparel Fabrics Business and headed the $400 million Culet Shirt Group. In short, he knows what works and can help you lead your company to greater profitability and success. 

Embracing a Silver Age

Embracing a Silver Age

Let’s talk demographics—specifically, how more of us are reaching those golden years. Back in the 1950s, kids under 15 made up 27% of America’s population, but now they’re at 19%. On the other hand, people over 65 have jumped from 8.3% to a solid 19.1%. Let’s call this group the Silver Age. What does this mean? It means industries like health care, retirement homes and cruises are on the rise, while education, maternity and car sales are holding steady.

embracing a silver age

Growth in the Silver Age Sector

Fast forward to 2015-2025, and the U.S. population is on track to swell from 321 million to 347 million. The catch? Around 70% of this growth will be people over 65, while the under 65 crowd is barely budging by 3%.

Economic Impact and the Role of Immigration

The biggest impact of these trends is on economic growth. Contrary to popular opinion, we need 1-2 million immigrants annually to support a 2-3% annual economic growth rate. Currently, a significant share of about 300,000 jobs being created monthly are from immigrants filling some of the over 9 million job openings. In short, labor shortages rather than unemployment has become a critical economic dilemma. This trend is also projected to continue for several years, especially with declining birth rates and a declining population in the child-producing ages.

New Chapters Later in Life

Symbols of time passing by - learning to embrace a silver age

Getting older doesn’t mean life slows down. As we approach silver age, retirement considerations can replace career and lifestyle considerations. Yet it’s also a chance to put all that experience to work in new ways. The key is staying flexible and open to change, which can be tough, especially when longtime friends start to drift away or we lose them. Let’s flip the script on the retirement age debate and talk about how we can better engage the wisdom and experience of our seniors, maybe through part-time gigs or flexible work setups. There are lots of paid and unpaid opportunities to expand our careers with new opportunities.

Fostering Connections

We also need to maintain old relationships and build new ones. Calling old friends, meeting former colleagues and making new friends can be highly satisfying. Retirement homes, religious organizations, and fitness centers are examples of places where one can foster social relations. Trips and visits can enlarge one’s network. Complimenting people, having company, and hugging can all enhance relations. It’s all about nurturing the ties we have.

Financial Realities for Seniors

It’s a bit of a mixed bag financially for the older crowd. On one hand, they’re set to hold a hefty chunk of the spending power, yet advertisers aren’t targeting them. And while retirement is on the horizon for many, there’s a whole industry that could be ready to serve their needs that’s just waiting to be tapped. On the other hand, living longer can mean facing tougher financial and social challenges, like health care costs and loneliness, not to mention the hurdles in staying employed.

Health and Well-Being as We Approach our Silver Age

Comic with a man observing mice in a maze.  One mouse says "I must be getting old.  For the life of me, I can't remember why I came in here."  Learn to embrace a silver age

Health-wise, the story’s a bit sobering. Most seniors are grappling with chronic conditions, and the rise in dementia cases is alarming. Eighty percent of seniors in the US have at least one chronic disease and 70% have at least two, with heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes among the most common. But there’s a silver lining: Staying socially active is a serious boost for longevity and happiness. In fact, being isolated can hit the healthcare system hard in the wallet.

Innovating for an Aging Population

Globally, we’re still figuring out how to meet the needs of an aging population. There’s a real need for a care system that can keep up with this shift. For example, a recent study conducted in the United Kingdom revealed that more than 50% of older adults who needed assistance with daily activities do not receive support.

Catering to the needs of an ageing population is a largely untapped opportunity, but the space is fragmented. This presents a challenge, but also a space for a broader ecosystem to grow, where brand, trust and reliability from a multi-stakeholder base are critical for scaling up innovation, fostering teamwork and addressing weaknesses that are critical for success.

By considering alternative approaches, measuring outcomes, and embracing change, organizations can enhance their effectiveness and adaptability in an ever-evolving landscape. This includes incorporating new approaches, intuition and out of the box solutions. 

Contact us for a FREE evaluation and get an alternative perspective on your business. We’d love to help you identify ways to adapt to current trends. No one has time for BS—so we’ll cut straight to the point and answer any questions you have. Reach us at: 914-632-6977 or

Dr. Bert Shlensky, President of, has an MBA and PhD from the Sloan School of Management at M.I.T. He served as the President of WestPoint Pepperell’s apparel fabrics business & President and CEO of Sure Fit Products. More than 2,000 clients have benefitted from his business acumen over the course of his long career. He now focuses on working with select startups and small businesses. Please visit our website: for more information.

Embrace Uncertainty with Positivity

The word “uncertain” doesn’t usually give us much hope. It implies instability, insecurity, and vulnerability—all things most of us try to avoid. But, perhaps, we can find a way to embrace uncertainty and find a way to make it work in our favor.

"An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality."
- Brian Tracy

As we forge ahead into 2021, there will certainly be a significant amount uncertainty. Generally, we try to predict future trends based on recent past events. However, 2020 had such immense disruption that it is almost useless to use it as a base. Many argue that this uncertainty causes pessimism and lowers expectations. However, I argue we need to embrace uncertainty, as it creates opportunities and should incite positive expectations.

Why? Well, let’s take a look at the following paragraph describing American economic trends: “Despite this prosperity, major shifts were occurring in American business and the workforce. Preexisting corporations were merging and becoming larger, more powerful conglomerates. Consumers increasingly were doing their shopping at discount chain stores and their dining at inexpensive fast-food restaurants, leading to a decrease in the number of single-proprietor businesses. Meanwhile, manufacturers were relocating from the Northeast and Midwest to nonunion Southern states, taking jobs with them and robbing industrial cities of their vitality. Manufacturers also were opening factories in foreign countries to take further advantage of cheap labor. These shifts led to a decline in the power of unions.” (The 1960s Business and the Economy: Overview |

[while reading "Economic News" at a news stand]
"I'm not as interested in the strength of the economy as in whether it's on my side."

While this could describe much of today’s economy, it’s actually a description of the 1960s. It shows progress after disruption and it’s arguable that the 1960s had even more disruption than we have currently (consider the assassinations, civil rights, wars, and general social change). After major turmoil, we still achieved more growth, technological improvements, and social change than we’ve seen today. I believe that the stress we’re currently experiencing as a country could produce the same excitement that we saw in the 60s. On the other hand, it may be difficult to replicate Kennedy, the Beatles, a moon launch, the computer explosion, Martin Luther King Jr., and some of the other revolutionary changes that took place during that decade. But, history repeats itself…

And, historically, change usually occurs after disruption (and we have most definitely experienced a lot of that). In my own experience with corporate turnarounds, it’s much easier to motivate, innovate, and develop collaboration in troubled or changing organizations than within those whose culture is based on the closed-minded rule of “we’ve always done it this way.” It’s amazing how many individuals and organizations have incorporated new efforts like E-commerce, work-from-home, Zoom, etc. in order to adapt to the times and, as a result, have actually improved their results.

While we tend to focus on the negatives, there are many circumstances that should create a more positive environment if we learn to embrace uncertainty. The most significant may be the coronavirus. I suggest we focus our planning on the potential of the vaccine by spring or summer more than the tragic experiences of today. In other words, rather than just worrying about the possibility of shutting down in the near future, we should be adopting a mindset of: How do we keep a business viable today in order to thrive in the fall? How do we learn to embrace uncertainty?

"Some people bear three kinds of trouble - the ones they've had, the ones they have, and the ones they expect to have."
- H.G. Wells

I recommend focusing on these three areas that create significant opportunities for positive thinking: technology, expectations, and analytics. 

While we seem to constantly advocate for technology, I think we underestimate it. For example, financial advisors continue to advocate balanced portfolios with traditional companies and bonds, but here’s the reality:

In 2016, if you had invested $10,000 in each of P&G, G.E., G.M, and Exxon (all among the leading companies of the day), it would be worth $35,000 or a loss of about $5000. If you had invested the same amount in Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft, it would be worth $169,000 or a gain of about $139,000. If you had invested the $40,000 in 3% bonds, it would be worth about $46,000 or a gain of about $6,000. Yet, advisors tout Exxon as a great opportunity for 2021 despite the growth in electric cars, energy saving efforts, and reduced energy consumption.    

Pay attention to areas like E-commerce, A.I., infrastructure, medical research, etc. These will produce dramatic opportunities for growth and investment.

Positive Expectations are a critical cause of growth and success. Venture capital, increased risk, and positive thinking can produce dramatic results. Low interest rates and inflation have had a huge impact on reducing actual risk. My favorite musical has always been My Fair Lady because of the Pygmalion effect, which infers that having positive expectations leads to enhanced performance, which results in a higher probability of success. The implication is that confidence and energy will increase if we believe in ourselves. On the other hand, a negative self-perception results in a significantly lower chance of succeeding. What we think we’re capable of, therefore, basically becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Technology and expectations can be enhanced with improved measurement and analysis. Some simple ways to implement analytics: review goals, probability, risk, and measurement. Basically, ask yourself how you’re doing and where you can improve.

More advanced analysis, testing, and measurement may include creating more dynamic and interactive efforts, which can boost the development of strategies. Allowing for failure and considering alternatives can also be useful. Incorporating operations, customer service, branding, and pricing in decision making can create new, successful approaches. Accept this fact now: Mistakes will occur. So what? Learn from them and move on. Mistakes are only bad if you keep making the same ones.


So, you see, positive expectations can have a dramatic impact on success. Yes, there is uncertainty ahead, but when has there ever been zero uncertainty? A feeling of security at any given moment doesn’t actually equate to certainty. We can’t predict the future and we don’t know what tomorrow holds. There will always be uncertainty, so embrace uncertainty and trust that the “unknown” is where possibility lives. Facing unexpected change is the fastest way to determine if you’re a pessimist or an optimist. What will you be? A defeatist or an opportunist? Why not try expecting greatness? Expect it from yourself, from others, and from the universe. Because when you expect it, it’s easier to find.

Please visit our website to book a Free Session in which we can help you develop an action plan that will evaluate potential and risk. We always discuss process, expected outcomes, and cost before you make any commitment.

Dr. Bert Shlensky, president of Startup Connection, prides himself on his ability to define what is unique about each and every business. He works closely with individuals to develop a personalized approach that targets specific areas of concern and offers solutions based on his 40+ years of experience. His expert team will address your particular needs while working to save you time and money.

You can reach Dr. Shlensky at: 914-632-6977

Or email:


“The 1960s Business And The Economy: Overview.”,