Financing a Business

Financing a Business

Financing a Business

Many clients start the entrepreneurial process asking the age-old question, “How do I raise money?”  Unfortunately, beginning a business is a process that involves fulfilling a number of requirements before one can even think about raising money.  The requirements for financing a business I am referring to may seem obvious, but they are critical to actually raising money:


How much do you need?


How and when will you pay it back?


Why should someone have the faith to invest money in your venture?


What is the expected risk and return?


What are the resources you have or plan to have to support the request?

Financing an Ongoing Profitable Venture

Let’s start with the easiest situation just to understand the parameters.

You have a growing and profitable business with a history of success and little personal or business debt.  You have a specific plan to buy physical assets which you can then use as collateral which can be paid back from profits over a specified period.  You also have an excellent relationship and history with your bank.  Together, these aforementioned facts meet all the simple criteria necessary to obtain a loan for financing a business.[pullquote]Before raising money make sure you have answered these questions:

  • How much do you need?
  • How and when will you pay it back?
  • Why should someone have the faith to invest money in your venture?
  • What is the expected risk and return?
  • What are the resources you have or plan to have to support the request?[/pullquote]

In simple terms you have:

  • Credit Score of 700 or above.
  • Cash flow sufficient to make required interest and principal payments.
  • Sufficient capital and collateral to cover the entire loan.
  • A specific plan, history, and experience to develop confidence in the lender to make the loan.

Financing For a Startup

Now, let’s look at a more typical situation of a startup company.  You have a great idea, a little experience but no history, and minimal assets.  You (your venture) needs money for development and startup costs before you even really begin.

Tech companies, service companies and many retail businesses, are perfect examples.  Before describing the options for financing a business open to you, let’s review some general tips you must consider in your efforts to procure financing.

  • It is absolutely critical you have a credible plan to convince investors you will succeed and pay the money back.  The plan, when laid out properly, should build confidence and trust by the investor in you and your business.
  • You must know your numbers and facts cold.
    • Make sure to understand your assumptions, calculations, and forecasts and be able to answer all related questions.  You need the energy, commitment and enthusiasm to obtain financing but it needs to be supported by real facts.
    • Be sure to have an accountant you are comfortable with and financial statements you understand and can explain.

Where to Look for Funding

[pullquote]Essential Considerations to Assist in the Procurement of Financing

  • Develop a credible plan.
  • Know your numbers and facts.
  • Have an accountant for guidance.

[/pullquote]There are several potential sources of funds for start-up businesses that should be considered when financing a business.  Each potential source should be evaluated on the basis of probability, costs, long-term viability, risk, and business constraints.

Equity – Personal, Friends and Family

Equity is the amount of money you can put into the business on your own:

  • Money you don’t have to borrow or pay back.
  • Equity may also include effort (sweat equity) put into the business for it to get underway.

In general, it is difficult to start a business without any of your own, a friend’s or family’s equity to show commitment.  Keep in mind it is much easier to obtain other investors if you are contributing 10% – 50% of the financing depending the project in question.

Investor Equity

Investor Equity can come in a variety of different forms.  Depending on the type, they can provide significant funds especially for businesses such as services which traditionally have little assets or collateral.  These investor equity sources typically expect more risk but in return correspondingly expect returns.  As a general rule, they require agreements that place a number of constraints on the business, e.g. salaries to you and how expansion might be made and carried out.  As part of the equity investor formula, the more you give up, the less is left for you and the less control you have, particularly, if you have to give up more than 50% of your equity.

Equity investors vary but can include:

  • suppliers,
  • partners,
  • venture capitalists,
  • private equity dealers,
  • private offerings,
  • private investors, and
  • Angel investors.

Traditional Banks and Loan Institutions

It is important to remember that banks need to balance their goals particularly when viewed in relation to loaning money.  Banks reduce risks and make certain they get paid back.  Understanding and acknowledging these factors can help reduce some of the stress one feels when dealing with bank bureaucracy, requirements, paperwork, etc.  As stated earlier, the better your history, relationship, collateral, ability to repay loans, plans, etc., the higher the probability of getting a loan.  Keep in mind that obtaining a traditional bank loan for financing a business startup is a more and more difficult undertaking than it was decades ago.

Additional Sources to Help Find Money and/or Guarantee Loans.

Community Based Lenders

Non-profit, independently financed, private or public organizations, which often make loans to small businesses or entrepreneurs who do not qualify for traditional commercial bank loans.  These loans are often referred to as “Character Loans.”  They do not require strict credit, cash flow or collateral requirements.  They still require, however, character, a business plan and location in/or near the local community.

Finding a Guarantor or Co-Borrower for Obtaining a Loan.

Often time a family member or close friend is reluctant to give you cash upfront but they think you have a good idea for a business and a good chance to succeed.  They may be willing to either guarantee a loan or co-sign for a loan.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

The SBA does not lend money, rather it provides guarantees to a bank.  The guarantee means, if a person does not repay a loan, the SBA will pay a major percentage of the loan back to the bank.  All banks can make SBA guaranteed loans, but most have restrictions on what types of loans they are willing to make.  Just as with most traditional banks, the SBA only wants to guarantee loans to people who are likely to repay the loan.  All SBA loans are made to individuals for a business.  The individual is personally liable to repay the loan.

Financing Outside the Box – Guerrilla Financing

To find money to finance your business you must consider every possible choice available.  Going outside the box to find financing is often referred to as, “Guerrilla Financing.”  The more you know about your business, the more options are available.  Remember, both lenders and investors look for the same thing in a business – VALUE.  Projected earnings and even management skills are considered part of this value proposition.


If money is the only thing stopping you from doing something good in the world, stop waiting and start doing some good!  Nothing better symbolizes entrepreneurship than fundraising.  Social entrepreneurs are no different.  Today, there are a host of online resources for what today has become known as crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding was initially used by “social entrepreneurs” who turned to this method as a way to fund their projects, films, books, and social ventures.

Today, one of the best know crowdfunding sites is  Kickstarter is the 800 pound gorilla in crowdfunding, originally designed and built for creative arts, many technology entrepreneurs now use the site, some reporting to have raised millions of dollars.  The Kickstarter funding model is an all-or-nothing model.  You set a goal for your raise; if your raise exceeds the goal, you keep all the money, otherwise, your supporters don’t pay and you don’t get anything.  This protects supporters from some of the risk of you running out of money before your project is completed.  There are a now a number of her crowdfunding sites to consider:  Indiego, Crowdfunder, Rockethub, Somolend, and more.

Free Financing Through Operational Belt Tightening

We frequently worry about financing a business but often fail to pursue strategies that might help avoid the need.

There are numerous activities that companies can do to reduce investment costs and lower overall expenses.  The most common include:

  • rent instead of purchasing,
  • deferring payable terms,
  • shipping direct to consumers,
  • outsourcing etc.

Making these changes can have real impact on an organization as it relates to costs and investment.  Putting these changes into place can make investors happier.  These opportunities need to be considered as critical operational components.  As an example, many start-ups are required to prepay expenses due to a lack of credit experience.  Similarly, borrowing on credit cards is usually discouraged because of the associated high interest rates.  Despite these problems, businesses can use credit cards to avoid pre-payments.  All they have to do, for example, is to pay credit card charges on time which could translate to 10-30 day free money.

Financing Concerns

Finding Investors needs to be a two way street.  Clearly you want to avoid loan sharks, etc.  However, there are real considerations businesses need to consider when seeking investors:

  • Evaluate the bank by finding out what it has to offer that will fit your needs and your capability for assuming the debt.
  • Many entrepreneurs use smaller financial institutions which don’t provide the type of loans or products a business needs for growth:
    • Letters of credit,
    • wire transfers, and
    • credit cards

Above are examples of services that may be required.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for references of other clients and talk to higher level executives in the organizations you are seeking funds.
  • Determine the process, time, and requirements from the organization where you are seeking financing.  Assume there will be delays, more information requests and mistakes.  For example, when you send information be sure it is received.
  • If possible, encourage efforts to understand your investors, site visits, introductions to you and their participants, etc…  For example, in my bank, I have a customer rep who has been there for years.  He warns, guides, and facilitates, and even sometimes breaks rules, to expedite my needs.
  • Share changes in the business that may affect your needs or the investor’s prospects.  This can be accomplished formally or informally depending on the issue.  For example, if you may need letters of credit, make sure to plan ahead instead of waiting for the supplier demand?

I learned a simple rule in raising money several years ago.  If you are doing well and providing investors with expected returns and little risk, the relationship is great and they may even encourage you to grow faster than you should.  On the other hand, if you are missing plans and affecting investors’ returns, the relationships can sour quickly.  This result has some simple tips that summarize the process of finding investors:


  • It is a two way street that requires honesty, understanding and communication.
  • Don’t overestimate what is needed to meet your plans.
  • Understand your needs and risks to find the right kind and type of investors.
  • Develop plans, measure results, and satisfy investor requirements to monitor investor potential concerns.

New and Disruptive Methods of Resolving Financial Stress

The coronavirus crisis has caused a plethora of financial issues that businesses must now face. All of my clients are dealing with dilemmas concerning customers, credit, future sales, financing, planning cash flow, forecasting, etc. when it comes resolving financial stress.

For the most part, we still live in a world with an old system of small business financing. Most financing (including institutions like banks and the SBA) is based on antiquated businesses, such as manufacturing and retailing, where financing was handled mostly through asset loans, guaranteeing debt via family assets, and personal savings.

However, things are very different today. Most new businesses are service or technology-based, and require much less investment.

Many clients start the financing process by asking the age-old question, “How do I raise money?” That’s an outdated way to start and I believe it’s a mindset that needs to be changed in order to be more successful. For example, traditional style advisors often recommend raising as much money as possible. In contrast, I suggest minimizing to reduce costs and risk, keep equity, and avoid excessive financing charges.

Some of the biggest changes that need to take place involve utilizing alternative techniques to minimize financing needs and marketing opportunities to accelerate growth. I recommend a more comprehensive and flexible approach to the process which focuses on key issues like: How much money do you need? How and when will you pay it back? Why should someone invest or partner with you?

Additionally, we live in an environment with low interest and inflation rates, and lots of capital to invest. The rest of this article will discuss financing suggestions that take into consideration new trends and current events. For example, the government has instituted $2 trillion of relief programs for salary, unemployment, and investment that must be considered.

Operational Financial Resources

The simplest source of funds is to reduce the need for funds through regular business tactics. This can be accomplished with strategies such as outsourcing, contracting services, utilizing sharing resources, and testing. While not all of these strategies may be appropriate for every business, consider the ones that have most potential to save cash:

  • Plan and manage inventory to maximize return: focus on the 80-20% rule that states: 80% of your sales will come from 20% of your products. Additionally, manage inventory and services for seasonal and market changes.
  • Consider direct shipping from your facilities or organizations like Amazon.
  • Minimize investment through strategies like renting or sharing. For example, warehouses, cooking facilities, and manufacturing can all be outsourced. One caution: doing things in your home will frequently result in long-term, operational, and legal issues.
  • If asked, suppliers are often willing to help a business with things like financing, holding inventory, reducing production times, and direct shipping.
  • Use services for internet management, warehousing, and programming.
  • Understand and minimize complexity. For example, there’s a big difference between selling a shoe (with various sizes, colors, widths, and styles) versus selling food products (which have a few ingredients that can made into a number of items.)
  • Analyze why you are really spending and what you will get from it.
  • If the business is profitable and growing, you can frequently finance the growth with working capital from profits. This also means giving up less equity.

Expanding Marketing Efforts

Don’t wait for business to come to you, but consider the rule: you have to spend money to make money. Analytics, internet marketing, and outsourcing programs provide numerous opportunities to grow and make money faster:

  • A website and a simple marketing statement provide basic information for potential customers. These can be inexpensive through programming tools like WordPress.
  • Amazon is the fastest growing retailer in the country and controls about 30-50% of most internet sales. It is easy to set up and relatively inexpensive.
  • Paid search through organizations like Google and Facebook are underestimated. These options can be inexpensive and fast, and the results can be measured.
  • There is nothing as productive as Networking, Networking, Networking!

These tactics must be tested and measured. Kill or modify the ones that fail and expand the ones that succeed.

Non-traditional Sources of Capital

  • Crowdfunding was initially used by “social entrepreneurs” to fund their projects, films, books, and social ventures. It’s becoming more popular as it allows small investors to back your business through organizations like Kickstarter.
  • While credit card interest can accrue (at a high rate) if not paid off right away, some credit cards do offer a 30-day free program, or zero interest (for sometimes up to 18 months) with a new account.
  • Bartering, alliances, and exchanges are viable methods to get both excellent services and save cash.
  • Community based lenders (such as non-profit, independently financed, or private organizations) often make loans to small businesses or entrepreneurs who do not qualify for traditional commercial bank loans.

Traditional Sources of Capital

  • Equity from yourself, friends, and family. This is the amount of money you can put into the business on your own, and you don’t have to pay it back until you see profits. It may include sweat equity or contributed assets. It also provides other investors with more confidence in your commitment.
  • Outside equity has the same properties except it involves giving up at least some of your own equity in the company. It can come from a variety of places such as partners, venture capitalists, private equity dealers, private offerings, and private investors.
  • Traditional banks and loan institutions are focused on reducing risk and making certain they get paid back. These are usually asset-based loans or are combined with equity contributions.
  • Raising capital is a two-way street that requires honesty, understanding, and communication. Understand your needs and the risks involved in order to find the right type of investors.
  • Don’t overestimate your potential or what is needed to meet your goals.
  • Develop plans, measure results, and satisfy investor requirements.

Significant changes are occurring in financing. There will be more risk, more volatility, more uncertainty, and more focus on profit and cash flow. Thankfully, there are numerous tactics to manage these shifts. As these changes progress, consider including more alternative methods—especially cost reduction, analyzing goals and strategies, and focusing on the dynamics of the financing rather than just how much money you can raise.

Dr. Bert Shlensky has an MBA and a PhD from the Sloan School of Management at MIT. He is the President of the New York-based consulting firm The Startup Connection, where he uses his 30 years of high-level business experience to guide his clients toward maximum sales and profit. For a free consultation, please visit

New and Disruptive Methods of Financing

We all know that new strategies and technologies such as the internet, social media, Smartphones, and major online retailers are rapidly disrupting organizations. However, financing and the financial industry have been very slow to adapt. The purpose of this article is to recommend a number of tactics to take advantage of new (and sometimes disruptive) financing opportunities. At the Startup Connection (, we believe that a very important (but often overlooked) opportunity is that operating and marketing processes should also be viewed as financing tools.

We still mostly live with an old world of small business financing. Most financing (including institutions like banks and the SBA) are based on antiquated businesses, such as manufacturing and retailing. In the old business model, you quit your job, built a building, bought inventory, hired lots of people, paid high interest rates, gave away lots of equity, and then waited 1-2 years to make any money. This was financed through asset loans, guaranteeing debt with family assets and your own savings.

Fortunately, the reality today is very different. Most new business are service or technology businesses, and they require much less investment. Another very important factor is that you can now quit your job much closer to actually starting the business.

The biggest changes may be finding marketing opportunities to accelerate growth and using techniques to minimize financing needs. At the Startup Connection, we recommend a more comprehensive and flexible approach to the process. This approach puts a slightly different perspective on key issues, such as: How much money do you need? How and when will you pay it back? Why should someone invest or partner with you?

Many clients start the entrepreneurial process asking the age-old question, “How do I raise money?” I argue that is the old way to start, and this mindset needs to be changed to be more successful. Old style advisors often recommend raising as much money as possible. In contrast, I believe in minimizing to reduce costs and risk, and to keep equity and avoid excessive financing charges.

There are other new perspectives to financing your business. We live in an environment with low interest and inflation rates, and lots of capital to invest. This article identifies financing suggestions, organized into operational, marketing, new, and traditional methods.

Operational Financial Resources

The simplest source of funds is to reduce the need for funds through regular business tactics. This can be accomplished with strategies of outsourcing, contracting services, using sharing resources, and testing. While not all of these strategies may be appropriate for every business, consider the ones that have most potential to save cash:

  • Use services for internet management, warehousing, and programming,
  • Plan and manage inventory to maximize return: focus on the 80-20 % rule that 80 % of your sales will come from 20 % of your products. In addition, manage inventory and services for seasonal and market changes.
  • Minimize investment through strategies like renting or sharing. For example, warehouses, cooking facilities, and manufacturing can all be outsourced. One caution: doing things in of your home has long term, operational and frequently legal implications.
  • If asked, suppliers are frequently willing to help a business through things like financing, holding inventory, reducing production times, and shipping direct.
  • Consider direct shipping from your facilities, or organizations like Amazon.
  • Understand and minimize complexity. For example, there is a big difference between selling a shoe (with various sizes, colors, widths and styles) versus selling food products (that have a few ingredients that can made into a number of items.)
  • Analyze why you are really spending and what you will get from it.
  • If the business is profitable and growing, you can frequently finance the growth with working capital from profits. This also means giving up less equity.

Expanding Marketing Efforts

Don’t wait for business to come to you but consider the rule: you have to spend money to make money. Analytics, internet marketing, and outsourcing programs provide numerous opportunities to grow and make money faster:

  • A website and simple marketing statement provides basic information for potential customers. These can be inexpensive through programming tools like WordPress.
  • Amazon is the fastest growing retailer in the country and controls about 30-50% of most category internet sales. It is easy to set up and relatively inexpensive.
  • Paid search through organizations like Google and Facebook are underestimated. These options can be inexpensive and fast, and the results can be measured.
  • There is nothing as productive as Networking, Networking, Networking!
  • These tactics need to be tested and measured. Kill or modify the ones that fail and expand the ones that succeed.

Non-traditional Sources of Financing

  • Crowdfunding was initially used by “social entrepreneurs” to fund their projects, films, books, and social ventures. It consists of offering to small investors in your business, through organizations like KickStarter.
  • While credit card interest can accrue (at a high interest rate) if not paid off right away, some credit cards do offer a startup business a 30-day free program, or zero interest (for sometimes up to 18 months) with a new account.
  • Bartering, alliances and exchanges are viable methods to get both excellent services and save cash.
  • Community based lenders (such as non-profit, independently financed, or private organizations) often make loans to small businesses or entrepreneurs who do not qualify for traditional commercial bank loans.

Traditional Sources of Financing

  • Equity from yourself, friends and family. This is the amount of money you can put into the business on your own, and you don’t have to pay it back until you see profits. It can come from a variety of forms and can include sweat equity and contributed assets. It also provides other investors with more confidence in your commitment
  • Outside equity had the same properties, except it involves giving up at least some equity in the company. It can come from a variety of places like partners, venture capitalists, private equity dealers, private offerings, and private investors.
  • Traditional banks and loan institutions are focused on reducing risk and making certain they get paid back. These are usually asset-based loans or combined with equity contributions.

Raising financing is a two-way street that requires honesty, understanding and communication. Understand your needs and risks to find the right kind and type of investors. Don’t overestimate your potential or what is needed to meet your goals.  Develop plans, measure results, and satisfy investor requirements.

Dr. Bert Shlensky has an MBA and a PhD from the Sloan School of Management at MIT.  He is the President of the New York-based consulting firm The Startup Connection, where he uses his 30 years of high-level business experience to guide his clients towards maximum sales and profit. For a free consultation, please visit