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Even Change is Changing

Everyone is aware of and considers change, but the rate and impact keep accelerating faster than our ability to manage it. In addition, it is happening in all aspects of our lives. As a result, we need to focus more on identifying and understanding change and then developing responses. Here are some recent examples in various environments:

We need to expect, understand, manage and adapt to change. One of the best organizations in managing change are fire departments because they work hard at being prepared for fires. Their major focus is on prevention rather than simple reaction. They then train organizations in equipment, prevention, best practices and responses. Inspections are designed to help organizations rather than focus on enforcement. They also maintain records to be prepared for when incidents occur.

Women’s basketball is another example of adapting to change. The presence of a few new star athletes has caused dramatic multiple increases in attention, attendance and T.V. viewing. Thus the sport has been forced to adapt and improve attention, salaries, facilities, T.V. schedules, security and even travel methods.   

While organizations are changing faster than ever and, it still seems we aren’t changing fast enough to keep up. This may be the result of tools that are designed to limit risk and are unable to accept compromise and open systems. For example, changes in Ukraine, mid-term elections, inflation, and economic growth seem to modify our decision parameters almost daily.

We must not only embrace change but be actively working to create transformative change as well. Much attention is often given to analytics, expertise, profits, and science. However, these tools sometimes ignore critical requirements for change and better decisions: passion, focus, trust, effort, risk, and commitment. Unchecked, analytics may hinder transformative change.

Here are some suggestions to develop and execute more transformative change:         

So, where in your life, business, or community, do you see a need for transformational change? And what actionable steps are you taking to fuel it? And are you committed to making those actions a habit? Because that is what it takes to truly change. Remember you need the resources, readiness, support and willingness to change.

Dr. Bert Shlensky, President of, offers experience, skills, and a team devoted to developing and executing winning strategies. We guide your plans for business success and unlock your profits.Our strategy includes clear steps, and over 150 free articles and templates to facilitate your efforts and guide your process. We’re here to help you get on track and stay there as you move forward. We welcome comments, suggestions, and questions. You can write us at: or call at 914-632-6977

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Even Change is Changing
We need to focus more on identifying and understanding change and then developing responses.
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