3 Reasons Why Your Business Logo Makes All the Difference in Branding


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Bert Shlensky

Truthfully, your business logo — or even better, your image — is the crux, the starting point, the light bulb, of what your business is all about. Why? Because we’re visual creatures. We identify by what we see first before knowing. That’s why some of the best global brands out there are so recognizable, even by people who’ve never bought the product or service of the brand.

But you can’t just have any cool image as part of your logo. Do that, and you’ll have a disconnect. Potential customers will love the image, but won’t make the connection to your brand, and they’re still not won over. The idea of having the right business logo involves creating that bridge — you want them to identify with your business.

And These Are the 3 Aspects of a Business Logo You Should Always Keep in Mind:

  • Your Vision — What is the idea of your company? Your brand? Your product? Your service? Focus on your goal. Your hope. What are you aiming for? Simply put, if your image doesn’t convey exactly what your vision is for the future of your company, your company won’t technically be seen at all by the masses.
  • The Mission — This is the action. This takes the vision and puts action to it, outlines exactly what you want to accomplish. You have your goals — now what do you need to do to accomplish it? Think about that, creatively brainstorm on what it’s going to take to get your success under your belt.
  • Your Distinctiveness — And lastly, your image has to be unique. Something you don’t see anywhere else. Because if a customers sees it anywhere else, it makes it that much harder to identify with your business. We’re getting into the whole trademark infringement, legal stuff, which is why there are so many cases in that field.

Seems easy — but only when you do it. Sit down, get a pad and paper. Start creating. Once you get down to it, you’re rollin’ (and just to put it in perspective, the three logos you see there are from three top small businesses ranked by Forbes.com — yes, that publication).

That’s how your business gets built, starting from the ground up.

It’s What People Will See Even Before “Getting in Your Door”

Your brand. Your image. It’s right there in a sign. A visual cue. You conjure these emotions, or other images in their head, and they start connecting the dots. This is who you are. If you can do that with just imagery, that’s half the battle of building the brand and making your a household name.

Dr. Bert Shlensky, President of The Startup Connection, directs all small business clients toward maximum sales and profit thanks to his 40 years of high-quality experience. He does this through technological, social, and online integration, supercharging your business success into the next level, so don’t hesitate to sign up for a free consultation RIGHT NOW.

3 Reasons Why Your Business Logo Makes All the Difference in Branding
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3 Reasons Why Your Business Logo Makes All the Difference in Branding
You might have a great product or service, a great location, fantastic demand and demographics, but you won't go far without the perfect business logo.

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