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Why do small businesses downplay being competitive?

The hottest marketing idea in the news was the recent Amazon PRIME sale, where, for a day, prices were dramatically lowered for new and existing PRIME members.  Advertised as “Better than Black Friday,” this was simply an online version of the “one-day” sale that your local department store would hold now and then; it’s been around for years.  However, it’s hot, because it is perceived as being “new,” but also for showing a 200-300% increase in sales and generating a lot of new traffic for internet

In contrast to that, I have had small business and startup clients ignore the notion of a “discounted price” and “competitiveness” as critical factors in operating their business. For example:

The excuse that these are a function of being small and just starting out doesn’t totally wash. I have another client who markets one of the same items as above. He sells direct, imports, and then prints blanks,  has virtually no overhead or shipping costs, and has not even developed any internet effort .

However, focusing on word of mouth and low costs, in a few months he has built a $200,000 annualized business that returns 10-15% profits. We are helping him to manage his growth by helping to develop operational and marketing support.

The message here is you must be competitive, and be aware of opportunities. Some suggestions include:

Our website,, has an excellent chart on competition.  Take a few minutes to download it and fill in your own numbers.  It will give you some interesting and useful information.  Click here to see more.

In summary, be aware of the market place and don’t let your ego believe you can charge any price for anything.  You need to be profitable, but you also need to be competitive. And, your price needs to be justified, not in your own mind, but rooted in reality. The internet has made prices for every conceivable item and service available for comparison to shoppers everywhere – so, you can’t hide your prices from your competition.

Dr. Bert Shlensky, president of, offers experience and skills and a team devoted to developing and executing winning strategies for businesses.  This combination has been the keys to client success. His book, “Passion and Reality and Small Business Success” is available at

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Why do small businesses downplay being competitive?
Why do small businesses frequently ignore offering "discounted prices," even when they are competing against other businesses offering the same goods or service?
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