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How Effective Operations and Logistics Can Create Marketing Opportunities

operations and logistics

Operations and logistics are frequently viewed as secondary functions that can be handled by someone else, but in reality they are the foundation that all other processes are based on.  They present a huge opportunity for a business to become more efficient and differentiate itself.  A simple definition of these two functions is:

The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the efficient, effective flow of goods, services, and related information from point of origin to point of consumption for the purpose of meeting customer requirements and expectations.

Just as with large business, small business requires effective logistics and operations planning to produce products or services and deliver those products or services to the end user.  The process starts with determining key issues, understanding tradeoffs and developing goals and standards. Below are a series of different business circumstances where operations and logistics come into play and are important.  Business owners need to consider these circumstances during their operations and logistics planning: [pullquote]Effective logistics and operations planning starts with determining key issues, understanding tradeoffs and developing goals and standards.[/pullquote]

In service businesses

On the internet

Dealing with in-store customers

Managing inventory

Applicability of the 80-20 rule

[pullquote]Inventory management and delivery should include:

To better manage your inventory and improve delivery to your customers there are a number of critical steps businesses should follow:

Supply Chain and Timing Considerations

Effective operations and logistics

Supply chain and timing considerations can be critical performance and cost saving factors.  There are multiple considerations in making distribution decisions:

The decisions you make must balance customer fulfillment needs, inventory risk, terms, ownership, and replenishment.

All of these functions are essential to excellent service.  Remember:  “Let’s face it, anyone can put product in a store or pictures on the internet and attempt to sell it.  It is the differences in service that frequently differentiate.”

Modern operations are becoming increasing complex and integrated.  Two processes help develop excellence in addition to all the technical tools that are available.

In summary, operations and logistics, and other operations should be viewed as a critical opportunity to improve sales, profit and competitive positioning.  While there are some technical aspects to its proper implementation, it is the thinking and integration of the components that can lead to success.

Article Name
How Effective Operations and Logistics Can Create Marketing Opportunities
Operations and logistics are frequently viewed as secondary functions that can be handled by someone else, but in reality they are the foundation that all other processes are based on. They present a huge opportunity for a business to become more efficient and differentiate itself.
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